Together with our partners, we fill every customer need

In our opinion, we can best show you what Capestone is capable of by means of use cases. We are happy to explain the success stories of our partners in which Capestone has been able to contribute.

Take a look at our use cases in different sectors!

airport & IoT

Use case aerial equipment monitoring

Conneqtech and Capestone together provide a total IoT solution for efficient management of vehicle status and battery life for heavy equipment at Europe’s busiest airports.

Stadsmariniers Rotterdam

Use case Municipality of Rotterdam

The City Marine District “Centrum” of the municipality of Rotterdam was looking for a two-way radio system for chain partners in the Centrum area. Together with partner Flash, we provided a push-to-talk service combined with mission critical smart de

Use case DroneLand

DroneLand is the all-in-one provider in the field of drones. To meet the increasing demand to always be online even during a drone operation, Droneland sought an appropriate 4G/5G solution.

Team Wybe

Use Case Team Wybe

Team Wybe started the “Wetterfyts11stedentocht” to raise money for the Maarten van der Weijden Foundation. The money raised is for the fight against and research into cancer. The trip was made on a special pedal boat. Capestone took care of the lives

Pharmacy 4G

Use case Neopaul

A pharmacy must stand out in the streetview and they do that with the green LED pharmacist’s cross. To make the installation and programming of the Digicross in-house designed as simple as possible, Neopaul has opted for 4G technology.

Dutch Covid-19 Quick-Test lanes

Use case GidPro

Whereas a normal corona test takes at least 24 hours to produce results, the results of a rapid test can sometimes be known within a minute. A fast and stable internet connection on location to inform visitors and use devices such as laptops is essen


Use case CEWE

CEWE was founded in 1961 by H.C. Heinz Neumüller, operator of a small photo store in Oldenburg, and since then it has come a long way and weathered various transitions in photography with flying colors. Indeed, more than 50 years later, CEWE is esta

Contact our experts!

We are happy to help answer your questions. Whether you are looking for technical support for your Wireless Wan solution or general information about our product range requests. Leave your message and we will get back to you soon!

+31 85 111 0838 Direct contact
Stefan Hoeven