Teltonika Web Tacho
With the Teltonika Web Tacho license, you can easily manage and monitor your Teltonika Trackers through the platform.
Web access with the Teltonika WEB Tacho Solution
You can access downloading tachograph files from your entire fleet from a single Web browser-based interface. Compatible with browsers on all platforms, requires no installation or additional plug-ins.
Once you create a schedule, the selected tachograph files are automatically downloaded. Data is downloaded every set period of time, for example once a week, once a month, etc.
Secure storage of tachograph files
Your data is stored on a secure server and can only be accessed by your authorized users. No need to worry about losing a file and having to re-download it from tach.
No complicated licensing system
You can start the solution very quickly because signing the FM device with an SMS command is no longer necessary, you do not need a PC license. Just open the Web Tacho page and you can begin your work.
Support for multiple formats
The Teltonika WEB Tacho Solution supports not only the standard DDD file extension, but also the Spanish TGD and French V1B, C1B file formats. In Web Tacho’s user settings, simply set the desired format.
Related products:
Below is a list of devices compatible with this solution:
- FMC640
- FMM640
- FMB640-FMB641
Learn more about the Teltonika WEB Tacho Solution