CROSSCALL, maker of the outdoor mobile technology market, offers waterproof and durable cell phones and smartphones with long battery life. The brand designs models perfectly adapted to hostile-and unpredictable-environments that sports and field professionals encounter (water, rain, humidity, dust, shock, etc.); as well as a range of powerful accessories. With more than one and a half million units sold, projected sales of €75 million and more than 20,000 points of sale, the French company, based in Aix-en-Provence, is currently pursuing its international expansion by being based in 13 European countries. Capestone is a distributor of Crosscall.

Kom in contact

In addition to rugged phones and tablets, Capestone can also distribute matching accessories such as: covers, chargers and various cables. Inquire about options at or call 085 111 0838.

crosscall rugged phone

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Capestone bv
Haagse Schouwweg 6
2332KG Leiden

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